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Student Reviews

Being able to learn from Caroline Teacher has shifted my world completely. She had helped me discover my true passion and appreciation for the arts. On a daily basis, I would be blessed with insider knowledge and information to help me further my education. She drove me to dive deeper within my pieces and to create a whole new being of myself. Art turned from a hobby to my lifestyle because of Caroline, not to mention, she was incredibly helpful with the application process from the applications themselves to the essays as well.



University of Southern California


When it came to art and writing, Caroline challenged me to think both broadly and practically. She pushed me to experiment: something I've never heard before from any teacher. And when I failed, she dragged me up to my feet to try again. In the process, she taught me how to speak my mind and stand proud next to my pieces. Next to her, I learned about art mediums and writing styles I hadn't known existed, and in the process, I discovered my style. I am proud to have learned from her and am pleased to say that I will continue to study art and writing in college.



Yale University



With minor experience with fine arts, I was very hesitant on starting a portfolio based solely on photography. Thankfully, Caroline teacher helped me step by step and inspired me to pursue other mediums. She challenged my creativity and not only taught me basic skills, but encouraged me to be vulnerable and connect with my own art. Although going through the portfolio process can be difficult, she was always consistent with her students and was there to help every step of the way, even after hours. 


Caroline teacher was the best mentor I can ask for, and was a huge inspiration to me as a fellow Asian- American female artist.



University of California Los Angeles


Caroline helped me mature and understand art at an incredible rate. She knows how to bring out what is best in a person. She is also phenomenal when it comes to writing essays. She is there for you from start to finish guiding you. 




California Institute of the Arts


Caroline was my teacher over my senior year in high school, and she has helped/guided me into creating genuinely all of my best works for my college portfolio. I am currently a freshman at UCLA, and I believe that with all of the amazing artists that she has introduced me to, all of the detailed feedback she has provided me with in regards to both the work I create and the essays I had to write, I am where I’m at today. I loved all of the discussions I got to have with her, talking about a style/perspective of art that I have never even considered before, and I’m really thankful for the abundance of different resources that she has provided me with throughout my time as her student. I wish I had gotten to be her student for longer than a year, because she has truly had one of the biggest impacts in helping me grow as an artist!



University of California Los Angeles


Caroline teacher was one of the most understanding teachers that I’ve had, and pushes you to put your ideas into reality. Coming in as a new art student, I was super hesitant to start art. Even if I wanted to try new things, I was hesitant and closed off, but Caroline teacher was always there to push me to create the things that I had only had as an idea. When I was preparing my portfolio to submit for college applications, she was there with me from start to finish. Without her, I don’t think I would have become the art student that I am today.




New York University


Caroline. She’s one of my life-mentors and one of my favorite people. She is someone who would easily help you to overcome your slump at anytime. Caroline is so supportive, warm, and always, she puts her best effort in every act she makes for a student. She is full of wonderful, fresh ideas and is so brilliant when make art. Like I did, I guarantee that you'll be in love with her and her work when you meet her in person.




California Institute of the Arts


I have had the pleasure of having Caroline as my teacher for 2 years and during that time, the progression in my art skills and understanding grew exponentially. I first met Caroline teacher through photography and not knowing anything, Caroline quickly understood my aesthetic and style to give me objectives to reach in my photography skills. In less than 6 months, I have been taking the best photos in my life and understood how to perfectly balance shutter speed, ISO, and aperture together to take shots of my choosing. Caroline knows how to teach in increments that allows for one to easily digest the information. Her dedication into her own art sparks passion into her student’s own work and it was evident from her student’s portfolios. From winning countless scholastic awards, top scores on art AP tests, and sending many to top schools of their choosing, Caroline accomplished her task of a teacher wonderfully.


Caroline became more than a teacher to me along the way, but even became a mentor for me. Even though Caroline can be one of the most busy people due to her tenacious drive and initiative, she knows how to listen and consolidate the present fully that will make anyone feel heard. Her vast knowledge in the art and art world changed my understanding of art and guided me to see different perspectives. My personal favorite quality about Caroline as my teacher and mentor is how much potential she can unlock in her students. When students feel like they are done or had enough, Caroline never did, doesn’t, and ever will accept mediocrity and will push those she is guiding to their most full potential. I wouldn’t be the artist I am today without Caroline’s influence and skill as a teacher and mentor. 




Washington University in St. Louis 


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